My Love

My Love

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Live and Let Go!

Sunday was the most amazing day, and I honestly feel different since then! What matters? My family and our happiness, not that cool pair of shoes at the mall! the trees and birds and beauty Mother Nature has to offer, not the latest hit movie in theaters. Does it matter that I rarely get help around the house? NO! Does it matter that the neighbors are loud? NO! Why allow the little things to ruin such a beautiful life? Why stress over things you cannot control? Life is short, life is amazing, let it happen! I am so very happy right now, altho I have things I could be stressed over, I'm not! The bills will get paid, laundry can get done tomorrow, that big project outside? it can wait until I am ready to do it... why push myself when it will cause pain? Family, friends, happiness, these are the priorities in life! I come across people who constantly complain... this hurts, that hurts, I don't have any money, my boyfriend is a jerk... really? I can top all of that! But it isn't a competition to see who is more miserable! Obviously those people are more miserable if they dwell on all that negativity! I have a lifelong illness that effects me daily... but I still get up everyday with a smile and set out to do what I can, the best I can... and not use my illness as an excuse! I can be happy no matter what I am faced with! If more people could view life this way, things would be so much calmer, more peaceful. My life has no room for drama, or gossip, or any of that craziness! My life has room for love.
I love you all, friends, family, readers of my blog. Blessed Be )O(

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