My Love

My Love

Monday, July 28, 2014

Down Sizing

So we are being forced to move. And with this move, we expect to go into a smaller home than what we are currently in, losing a lot of space! With the down sizing of living space, means there must be a down sizing of stuff! Thank the heavens for virtual yard sale pages! I was able to sell off my entire salt and pepper shaker collection in a day, my daughter was able to sell off all her dolphin stuff in a matter of a couple hours! I have other items I have sold and other items currently listed. I figure if I start the packing process now, as I go thru things I can determine what we really need and what can realistically go! It feels good to get rid of things that are just taking up space and collecting dust! Also feels good to get a little cash out of it. And, of course, help others get things they want without having to spend a fortune at stores. I really hope to eliminate a lot more, less to pack and less to move. It is hard to let go of some of these things, it is still hard to accept that I am letting go of this home. But we must do what is best for everyone.
One day, hopefully in the not too far off future, we will be buying a home- all ours. We can then collect and accumulate all the stuff we want! And fill the house with things! But until then, we need to keep things small. I am hoping we can find a rental house to stay at for 2 years, then be in a situation to make a purchase. I want to be a home owner before I am 50! And I know it is possible if we just take the right steps to get there!
Meanwhile the house hunt continues, with little luck at this point, but I am convinced we will find just the right place for us.

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