My Love

My Love

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Because I Care

I have figured out why this girl gets to me so bad! She drives me insane, aggravates me, frustrates me... just knows how to push my buttons! And when she ignores me it doesn't really anger me as much as it hurts. A week without being acknowledged at all really got to me! But it saddened me more than anything. Why? Because I care about her! I know she has some problems, and I have tried to help her, I have been understanding and have offered dozens of times to be there if she needs to talk. I know I am not her mom, and I know she has walls up because we are not a permanent fixture in her life. But no matter what, I still care about her! It's just who I am! It tears me up to see her hurting or struggling, and I really want to just take her aside, hug her, and talk with her assuring her everything will eventually work out! But she won't let me in. And I get that. I have hopes that once my family moves out of this house, that maybe she and I can become friends and I can show her that not everyone is going to abandon her.
I have a good heart, I care about people- whether they are close to me or irritate me, I do whatever I can to make sure they are ok. This girl has a long road ahead of her to be ok, but if she sticks with it and maintains the support of Cory and her boyfriend, I know she will eventually make it... She just needs to be shown love and reassured that not everyone will treat her as her mother did. She needs to be told she is smart and beautiful- no one can survive without that sort of thing.
I wish this girl the best, I really do care about her. She drives me crazy at times, but I feel bad that she is so young and has had to live thru so much pain and rejection already. 
You ARE smart, I've had talks with you. You ARE beautiful, I've seen you do your hair and make up and put a smile on your face. You ARE a good person, I've seen that in you, too. Stay strong and and know that even if you don't believe I care- I really do!

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