My Love

My Love

Friday, July 25, 2014

Getting Better

After a couple weeks of depression, and a week of what felt like the silent treatment from Cory along with intense stress... I am finally feeling much better!
A couple nights ago Troy and I got out and went to see Styx and Foreigner in concert, it was a long overdue night out for us and it was amazing! Came home and had a terrible seizure, but the following morning I felt as tho that seizure had drained every bit of stress and tension out of me- like if I can't destress on my own, that's why the seizures come! Today I was finally able to talk to Cory- as friends, like we always have. It felt good. Then we talked a little about the situation and where things are going from this point, I can relax some now. 
My mind has been racing all week, so much to do before we can move- and I didn't know if I had a week or a month or what to do it. Money, packing, dogs, a place, organizing, mail... just too much! But now that I can let my mind slow down, I can actually enjoy the good times and allow myself to have some fun. Today we jumped on the bike and rode... We went to Tooele, stopped and visited with LouAnn and Jay and the dogs for a bit, then over to see a friend who I sold some things to. Then riding back into Salt Lake we decided to go get a cheap dinner and ran into some friends who we ate with. It felt so good to be on the bike and have my head phones blasting some music... not a care in the world!
Tomorrow I will do some more planning for a bit, then off again to be on the bike! A long ride with a few friends up the mountains is exactly what this girl needs!
A couple months from now many things will be different, but the important things will remain~ I will have my family and the love and strength we give each other, I will have friendships unbroken, and I will have my sanity! Things will be a struggle financially, but we can and will survive this challenge... as we have everything else. I have been in much worse situations with not nearly the support I have now- I will get past this and come out on top as with every other test the gods have given me.
Life is getting better, I am getting better.
Blessed Be 

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