My Love

My Love

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Independence Day 2014

What an amazing 4th of July weekend! I had an amazing time with family and friends. I think this is the first time in a very long time that I really enjoyed this holiday. Thursday night we had a friend and her kids for a marshmallow roast and laughs around the fire. Friday, the 4th, we had a few friends and their families over, friends I haven't spent much time with, it was really nice to see them and have the chance to talk and get to know these people better. We laughed, we BBQed, had lots of food and drink. We lit fireworks, and of course~ the fire pit and marshmallows! Such a wonderful time! Saturday was spent relaxing and recouperating, then family time spent with the dogs outside. Today was shopping and resting, and then finished off the weekend with a birthday party for one our favorite PGR friends. Then home for some bbq.
I continued all weekend thinking about how times have changed. So many people, especially children, don't even understand why we celebrate this day. Just like Memorial Day, they think it is National BBQ & Firework Day. It is sad to me, that these things are not taught properly, or appreciated the way it should be. But it is what it is, I know I am very grateful for my freedom! I lost it once, and I will forever remember the feeling of zero freedoms. I think it makes me appreciate all these holidays more than ever before.

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