My Love

My Love

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Religion or Lifestyle Choice?

My mind has been turning for a couple days now and really curious about some things. I am a huge fan of the tv show Sisterwives, About the Brown family who were driven out of Utah due to their "coming out" about their polygamous lifestyle, pretty much only associated with the FLDS church. Cody Brown has 4 wives and more kids than I can keep track of. This past episode the family traveled to meet another poly family, but not of the same faith. They call themselves Christian polygamists. I found it very interesting that there are others who practice this lifestyle outside the FLDS religion.
I have always thought I was born into the wrong religion or family or whatever, because I believe I belong in a polygamous, or polyamorous family. But I do NOT share the religious beliefs of the FLDS. Actually I don't share religious beliefs with Christians either. But it brings the question to my mind... are there others who practice this lifestyle who are not religious? Who just choose this life because it is what they want and feel works best for them? How do I find these things out? Where do I turn? I'm assuming there are groups online, I just need to do some research.
I have, in the past, lived a polyamorous lifestyle, and loved it! It was truly the perfect situation for me. And really, probably a better one than polygamy. But I am so curious to find nonreligious polygamists! Just to talk to and ask questions. I have always been very intrigued by these nontraditional lifestyles, and want to learn more about them.
I do know there is an online dating service for polys. Maybe I should contact some of those people! I am registered, just not active.
Anyway, this was just a release of a cramped brain, I needed to transfer the thoughts from my head to writing. 
Don't get me wrong here, I love my husband and my life as it is. But I have always felt something was missing. If it came down to chosing what I have now or losing my husband to live a different lifestyle, I would keep what I have and let go any thoughts of change.

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