My Love

My Love

Monday, July 14, 2014


I need to vent today. I am so tired of people claiming to be good hearted, caring christians! Even leaving the christian part out of it... we have been taught acceptance and love, and to not be judgmental! And many of those who preach this are the worst! I may lose friends over this post, but really, if they can't accept my opinions and respect me for having them... they aren't the kind of friends I want!

Bowe Bergdahl. Prisoner of war for a few years. Everyone wanted him home... then we got him home and everyone turned on him! It's not his fault our gov't released war prisoners in exchange for him, don't blame him. There are rumors he deserted... ok, so he did walk away from his unit, but did he actually desert? We don't know! Troops were killed in attempts to rescue him... his fault? no! If your child was being held by the enemy wouldn't you want troops trying to save him? Wouldn't you want our president to do whatever he could... including trading for other prisoners? There are pictures of him smiling with his captors... and you say this means he was working with them. Really? How about trying to stay alive! They wanted him to appear well for our government! Treason... did he? I haven't even heard that until all these judgmental people started talking! But if he did, again, he was trying to stay alive!
This man should have been welcomed home with a celebration, instead- they cancelled any celebration due to controversy and possible protests! What if this was your child!? Would you care that he was scared and walked away? NO! You would be happy he's alive, and even more happy he is coming home! I feel terrible for his family! They have endured so much over the years he was held prisoner, then they get one day of joy when they are told he is coming home... then BAM! All the evil, judgmental, hatred started in.
Today it was announced he will be returning to regular duty. I'm sure if he did not want to return to military life, he could have avoided it with all he has been thru! But he is, he is still serving his country. There is an investigation in all of this, good! But let the experts investigate and release facts and make their decision! Who are you, or me, to make these judgments? Doesn't your Bible tell you that your 'God' is the only judge? Or a court of law, of course. 
Just as with any other controversial subject... "How does this directly affect your life?" answer... It doesn't! Why get yourself all worked up over something you cannot control and that doesn't change your life? Live and let live! Be glad this man was not another KIA in the masses we have lost! 
That's my rant for today. I'm sorry this isn't a more positive post, I am just so frustrated and my heart hurts for his family and what they are being put thru.
Blessed Be )O(

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