My Love

My Love

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Feeling a little down tonight. So much going on in my head, I want it all to just go away and let me be positive about things!
 I got a call from a doctors office- never heard of the doctor! They tell me my doctor referred me, and I need to see this sleep specialist in regards to the oxygen test I had done. WTF??? I didn't think I had a problem, I wasn't expecting this out of all the testing I have had done and still have to do.
I am tired of the childish attitude from the girl we live with, and I am getting a bad attitude again toward her, no matter how hard I try to maintain. I'm tired of feeling like we are being pushed to get out sooner than we can, and I don't like feeling like I am the reason for the repairs and stuff that are going into this house!
Is it too much for me to just get a little peace and positive energy? All I want is to keep my health at least as good as it is currently going, at least until we get moved. I want to not feel guilty for things- whether I am or not, I still feel I am. I want to detach from things so I can just focus where I need to focus. I am scared about more tests, I am scared about things they might think are going on. Yes, I want and need to know, but it terrifies me! I had such a wonderful weekend, but reality was there, I still had seizures, I still had weak and dizzy spells and had to nap, and I had a long serious talk with a friend who is going thru some very similar stuff who has at least one diagnosis.
I always say I am not afraid of anything... but in reality, I am. all this that is going on scares me. I am afraid of what the doctors are going to tell me, I am afraid of losing friends in this move, I am afraid of  the coming struggles we will face when we do move. 
But I know I will get thru it all, I always do- and my attitude will hopefully be better in a day or two. I just need to vent once in a while. 

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