My Love

My Love

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Next Chapter

So the next chapter of my life, of our life is beginning! We have found a new house to rent, to make our home. My medical issues are being addressed. Things are looking up!
The house hunting was a terrible experience! Always is I think. But a friend of mine kept me posted on available places her landlord had, and we finally hooked up with her and found one we liked. Only about 8 blocks from here, so it shouldn't be a terrible move. The day we handed over the deposit I felt so much stress lift off me! And I got thinking... it has been a long time, about 5 years or more, since we have had our own space. We have always had room mates or friends staying with us. This will be just us! the four of us- my husband and daughter and her boyfriend! It will be so nice to just live as we want- no restrictions, no one to answer to or worry about upsetting. This will be a huge help for my mental and emotional health- therefor helping my physical health as well. The house is bigger than we need, but that's ok! And there is no garage, but we can build a shed for the bike. I am excited for this move, this change... this next chapter.
As for my health, I have been thru a lot of testing, a lot of blood work and have gotten quite a few answers already! I have about doubled the pill intake, but I am feeling almost as good as before all this started! I am learning what my limits are and what I can and cannot do. Still need to get a few answers from the doctor and one or 2 more tests before we decide on the next step of all this. But the wheels are moving, and that alone is keeping me positive! I have an appointment to meet with a new neurologist in about 5 weeks, I really looking forward to that! I am hoping she will have some new ideas for my treatment, as well as being able to determine if some of this other stuff is neurological or not. Thru all this health crap, I have put on quite a bit of weight the past couple months, and it really bothers me to see those numbers on the scale, but I am doing my best to come to terms with it... better a little heavier than I want to be, than totally unhealthy, right? I am actually hoping the weight will start coming back off now that I am feeling a little better and have some new pills and a nutritionist to work with. My biggest concern is being able to do the things I enjoy, and be the me I was a year ago! I have been on the bike once in the past 6 weeks, and it was a very short ride. I miss it, I don't like not going riding. And even worse, I don't like that Troy feels he has to stay home with me rather than go ride and enjoy himself!
I was looking back to a year ago, I was in great health! I was even looking for a job! I felt good enough to think I could work part time. The seizures were pretty much controlled, I was at the top of my game! crazy what a year can do... 6 months ago I was having a dozen seizures a day- at least! I had too many days I wasn't even able to get out of bed because of the other problems.
This weekend we are going on a short little overnight getaway with friends, the original plan was to take the bikes, but weather is not expected to cooperate so everyone is driving. I feel better about that anyway, not sure I'm up for that much riding yet. It will be nice to just hang with friends for a day and sleep away from home! Hopefully relax!
I have so much on my mind that I want to write about, but I have to pace myself with everything I do, including computer time. So I hope to return soon!
Happy reading!
Love and Light

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