My Love

My Love

Monday, September 29, 2014

Wagstaff Weekend

What an incredible two weekends I have had! remembering and honoring fallen hero Matthew Wagstaff, as well as other heroes. Last weekend we released balloons in his honor on the four year anniversary of his death. This weekend we traveled to Daniel's Summit with friends and family. We had a very nice time! Tears and laughter, memories and so much love and support for the Wagstaff family. Teena Nemelka, GS mother of Aaron Nemelka, was also with us. It is always such an emotional time with this group, but the love and support is just amazing. The Wagstaff family suffers every day, as does Teena. And we are there to bring smiles and laughs when they are needed, to give hugs whenever we can, and to create new and wonderful memories for them!
We started out driving Saturday morning, went up Big Cottonwood Canyon, over Guardsman Pass, and dropped into Midway to stop at Memorial Hill. It is a must see if you are ever in Midway!

This was originally planned to be a riding trip. Mother nature didn't think it should be. This turned out to be the wettest September in like 30 years! this weekend was the wettest in over ten years. We all arrived in cars! But we still went for a drive, lunch at Jeremy Ranch. 
Then the drive back to the lodge. After a bit of a rest, the traditional showing of Transformers was held. We had one of the conference rooms set aside for us. All the candy and treats that Matt enjoyed at movies, and other snacks and drinks. Everyone dressed in jammies, wrapped in blankets, just comfy and having a nice movie night. Then many of us headed to the hot tub! I wanted to swim, but my hair is still bleeding, and that would not have been good! Sitting in the hot tub talking and laughing and watching the rain pour down outside was a memory I won't let go. 
The next morning we all met up for breakfast at the lodge...
And pretty much ended the weekend there. Some of the group went up on Friday and had an entire weekend. Some went home in a group making a few stops along the way. And everyone made it home safely. It was a wonderful weekend with wonderful people. It was a much needed night away for me, I slept well, I wasn't stressed, I just relaxed. Altho I still wasn't feleing real well and did have a couple minor seizures, it was still fabulous. I love the Wagstaff family and am so honored to be included in their events and memories.
I saw tears and smiles on the faces of all of them. I saw happiness I've never seen in Jason and Cassie. I made memories with many friends and my wonderful husband. It was another fantastic event planned and carried out by Suzanne Wagstaff, another incredible event that will hold many amazing memories in my heart.

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