My Love

My Love

Friday, September 5, 2014

Doctors. Tests. Answers.

No, we aren't moving yet. But I'm ok with that. 
I went to the doctor, had my annual check up and made some progress in getting myself well again! Or least to getting answers. We talked about all the problems and symptoms, she is such a good listener, I love Dr. Paula! She had a bunch of blood drawn to start running tests, she ordered a chest x-ray along with the mammogram. She got me a prescription for a new inhaler, that I need to be using daily, not as a rescue inhaler.  She ordered a sleep study- they will be sending out equipment for me to use while I sleep, then return it.  I also got a referral for a new neurologist! YAY! Yonger, female, covered by my insurance... I have big hopes for this one!
So after the blood work comes in and after I get my chest x-ray, and after the results of the sleep study- I will go back and meet with her to see what she has come up with so far. So I have appointments for all this stuff and I am so excited to finally be moving on all this! I hate the idea that I am getting old or that I am getting sicker and will never again be well, I am determined to get answers! And possible treatments!
I have put on some weight again, my COPD has gotten worse, my blood pressure is great. My oxygen is a concern, and of course these other issues. She is checking for some basic deficiencies first, then she is hoping to rule out Lupus and one other condition right away. Then work from there. 
I am really excited for this neurologist! I have been doing a lot of reading and research, and I am hoping she will have some of the same thoughts I do on treating my worsening condition. One of which is a hysterectomy.  There is a 75% success rate in women with seizures not having any more after this procedure! How can I not want to try that?!
I am feeling a lot better emotionally, having a more positive attitude than I have in the past couple weeks... but I am not feeling better. I am accepting the fact that I am just sick, chronic- terminal- whatever it is, I don't ever seem to feel better! I have watched myself go downhill over the past few months, and it is so sad and scares me so much! But like I said, I am staying as positive as I can. I have to keep hope, right? What other choice do I have? NONE!  

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