My Love

My Love

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Doctors. Tests. Answers... part 2

So after another somewhat miserable week, I got a letter in the mail with results from my blood work... The serious things, like kidneys and liver are ok. But I have serious deficiencies in many areas. So to start things off on m path to well being... Starting tomorrow I will be taking 4 supplements along with my meds. It's a start, it's a good start! I have to thank a very dear friend for helping me get these supplements and helping me understand how they will help me. The doctor wants me to meet with a nutritionist, but I trust my friend and her advice. I will follow up with the doctor after getting my chest x-ray. I'm sure there is more to it, I know I need to change my eating habits, I rarely drink anymore, I have already started cutting the soda out of my routine and I know I have to stop smoking- this is no longer something I want to do, it is something I need to do. I know I can get Troy on board in supporting me with it, so it will be easier. I just need to change my habits, and I know I can get feeling a lot better! Stay tuned for more news from the doctors and more news on how the supplements are working! I am keeping a very positive attitude about all this! I have never really been one to take extra anything, even vitamins, but I had no idea how bad off I was... I am willing to change this standard to feel better.
Troy has the whole week off this week! Not going to be a lazy week by any means! We both have doctor visits, I am going to have him help me with some packing and organizing. We are having an open house bbq on Friday that I need to get the house ready for and get a menu for! I have Kayla home most of the week as well, and Dallon works nights all week! So maybe we can actually have some family activities as well. If the kids are interested, that is. 
A dear friend had surgery today. I was really unclear on what was wrong and how serious it was. I knew he had been sick and in the ER a couple times recently. He had lung surgery... sounds pretty serious! I have lost two amazing former coworkers, and I wasn't about to lose another! After about 6 hours I finally got word that he was out of surgery and ok. I am hoping to go see him tomorrow or Tuesday- he will be in the hospital all week, including his birthday! I know Ryan was there watching over him, making sure he made it... it isn't his time yet, he has a wonderful wife and two amazing little girls!

Yesterday was Pagan Pride, I was able to get out of the house for a bit and walk around the park, it was so nice! I got the three of us new necklaces- I have been needing a new pentacle, smaller than the pendant I have work for the past 4 years. Kayla was needing a new triquetra because the one she had broke at the hook. And Troy found a beautiful wolf pendant. We took Zavina with us and she was the highlight of the day, everyone is always so interested in the snake! I enjoy educating people, especially those who fear snakes.
Blessings to all as this weekend comes to a close. Tomorrow brings the full harvest moon~ time to get energized and charge my crystals! 
On a final note... I did only have 2 small seizures today!

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