My Love

My Love

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Welcoming October

I'm really struggling with October being here already, I would normally have Halloween decor up, but not this year... we are moving in less than week. That- I am so excited about! I am going to miss a lot about this place, but it will be nice to be away from the things we don't like, and to have our own space.
Welcomed in October different than usual... We normally do a ride this first weekend- the Breast Cancer Ride was yesterday. Instead, we went to watch Kacey play football, then last night went to an end of summer bbq. Very nice, relaxing day. Today we dropped Sadie at the vet for a few hours and took Roxy to play with Pilot. Roxy has so much energy and could probably just run forever if we let her! She and Pilot are perfect playmates. It was good to visit with my best friend for a bit while the dogs played. After we picked Sadie up, we just watched football the rest of the day, Sadie is still pretty much out of it, so it has been a quiet day. Overall a very nice weekend.
I'm getting more and more frustrated about my health. I thought once I started getting answers, and treatments that I would feel better about things. Not happening! I got answers- some so far. I am taking the pills the doctor told me to take, I am working on my eating and nutritional changes that my nutritionist is telling me to do... and I still feel like crap much of the time! What am I doing wrong? Or what do we need to test next? I know it can't all be fixed over night, but seriously- it's been close to a month! I do have days where I don't feel bad at all, and less days of feeling really terrible. the past couple days tho- vertigo. I haven't had that since my stroke! I am doing my best not to complain to my family and let them know how upset this all makes me, and how sick I feel most of the time. But then I know they get irritated when I want to go home, or take a nap if I don't let them know this is why. 
I am really hoping after we move and get settled, I will start feeling better just because of the stress and tension that will be missing from my life. There will be new stress, of course, but the tension will be gone, the thick negative energy will be gone... and I should be able to breathe clear air again.
So our new landlord confirmed the house will be ready on Saturday! Troy's boss is letting him borrow a 24 ft box truck from work to move with for the day. Everything seems to be falling into place! Now I just have to hope I get some help from friends so we have the muscle to get the truck loaded! I'm pretty sure we will be able to get everything in one load, and we should be able to be out of here in one day. Altho I will probably come back on Sunday to to clean up a bit and double check we got everything. I am so looking forward to this! I am sure this week will drag by just because we are all so anxious for Saturday to get here!
To everyone who reads this, I pray you had a wonderful weekend and I wish you a beautiful week! And remember... whatever challenges you may be going thru, they are happening for a reason. You may not realize that reason for a few years, but there is a reason! Never give up, keep fighting that fight!

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