My Love

My Love

Monday, October 13, 2014


We are in the new house! I don't have pictures yet, but I will! What an amazing feeling to finally have our own space! The place is a disaster, of course, but it is ours and only ours. We had incredible help getting moved and were pretty much done by 2 in the afternoon Saturday. Troy's back survived, but Kayla's ankle didn't. had to call her doctor today for that. And my knee didn't! It started bothering me while we were loading up, and just into unloading here- it blew and I was done doing anything! By the time I went to bed totally exhausted, I was in too much pain to even sleep. I iced it, I even took Ibuprofen- which I never do! Sunday I stayed off it, used crutches when we ran some errands. And by last night I could finally walk on it a little. Today it was much better!
Kayla and I have actually gotten a lot of unpacking done, but you can hardly tell! The space we have for kitchen and bath type storage is less than half what we had before... so we need to find ways to make room for a lot of things! And cleaning? Oh My Goddess! Our land lady actually paid someone to do... nothing! Kayla and I have done more cleaning, basic stuff that residential cleaners would normally do, than we have unpacking! And I have more cleaning to do before I can finish unpacking. Very frustrating! Even when the land lady came by Saturday she was furious about the cleaning. The previous tenants were refugees and didn't keep house very well, that along with the painters and the pest control (yes, the previous tenants had roaches), I have to clean everything! The cleaners honestly I don't think touched a thing! I used to do that for a living, I know what is expected and what is acceptable in a rental. And the condition of this place- not acceptable at all! I feel like telling my land lady I want to be paid for the time I am putting in cleaning!
The cats are struggling to adjust, but doing better than they were the first night! My dogs are curious of everything! New smells, new sounds, new layout. We have tile thru most of the upstairs other than the bedrooms, so the sounds are much different! They are still exploring the yard every time they go outside. They love that there are apples all over the ground! They both have stayed very close to me, unsure I think. At least they have the sofa and the bed and a few familiar things!
We met our next door neighbor as we were moving in. Wonderful lady named Sue. She was super friendly, even brought us a bundt cake when she returned from the store! As she was leaving she said "thank you lord for giving me normal neighbors!" And I was thinking... normal? I have rainbow hair and she is calling me normal? As we talked I found I am really going to enjoy her, and her husband- who I have yet to meet. She and her husband both have Harleys and love to ride, they have lived here over 25 years, she is so sweet, and I could probably spend all day talking with her! 
I am hoping to live here a while, five years? There is a lot of work to do, improvements that can be made, but it is home! And the more fixing and improving we do, the more homey it will feel! I have a really good feeling about this place, and about my family finally being able to be ourselves! I can't wait to have more visitors and be as loud as we want and do what we want! And just relax. There is zero tension, no bad energy. I did a blessing on the house before anyone started moving things in, the broom has yet to be hung, but it is near the door. I started to set up my altar today, but realized some of my items had been packed in a different box. We have the living room mostly set up, the bedrooms for the most part. the three spare rooms are a disaster and my dining table is hidden by boxes... on it and around it!
All that matters is that we are here and together. The rest will come together.
We are home.

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