My Love

My Love

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's Life

I recently joined a support page on Facebook for people with epilepsy. For the most part it has been a wonderful group! Supportive people who understand each other, informative, and really nice to just be able to chat about our day to day lives and how we managed to get where we are now with this disease.
Then every once in a while a person pops in with a whiny poor me attitude. Really? We have all been there! Your situation isn't any more sad than mine! Change your attitude and don't bring the rest of the group down! We are there for support, but this last gal was totally just sounding suicidal and looking for pity. Honestly, I feel that if a person thinks their life is so miserable they would rather be dead- then do it. Cold hearted? maybe, But I don't have time for that crap. She thinks she is so bad off because her seizures, she can't work, she has no social life... whah! At least she has her mother there to help her thru seizures, at least she has a warm bed at night and food and meds! There are so many homeless people with serious illnesses who don't have anyone, no roof over their head, no 3 meals a day, no meds to help treat the problems. Do they complain constantly? People are so greedy! Be thankful for what you do have! I have been thru hell and back, all while dealing with this diesease... yes, I get a little down at times about ways my life has been affected, but I don't dwell on it and tell myself I'd be better off dead! I have so much to live for! There are people out there with much bigger problems than just epilepsy, and I see them making the most of every minute they have! That is how I want to be remembered! I don't want people to say "oh she was so depressed over her illness, she had no quality of life." That isn't who I am.
This is life, no one has it pain free. Everyone has something to deal with... a chronic illness, blindness, amputee, thousands of things out there! And some people deal with multiple problems. I have a dear friend who has a glass eye, hearing in only one ear, walks with 2 canes due to massive injuries to his legs and body, he doesn't have a functional bladder, the list of his "problems" is endless! And even with all that, he has a huge smile on his face every day, has amazing words of wisdom to give, he rock climbs, has a special bicycle built for him, has gone paragliding... he makes a point to attend every event he can. Feel sorry for himself? Hell no!
This is life. Make it what you want- it is your choice. Do not allow your illnesses to control you... you control your illness!

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