My Love

My Love

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Las Vegas

As most everyone knows, Sunday night there was a mass shooting in Las Vegas. A man opened fire on an outdoor music festival killing almost 60 and injuring over 500 others. Heart breaking. I sat up all night watching the news, trying to make sense of this as the authorities were trying to figure it out. Innocent people, all races, religions, kids and elderly, this was not an attack on any particular group- other than country music fans.
Initially there were reports of additional shooters, the chaos was insane. Immediately people were claiming to have seen a second and third shooter in other hotels- why then, were there no other shootings?
Three days later we have a dozen alternate stories and conspiracy theories of what happened. I choose to listen to my heart the actual news. What we have learned- aside from the conspiracy theories, is this was one man, not 2 or 3. He was white, he was retired, he was wealthy. Not your 'typical' mass murderer, huh? I have chosen not to judge until I learn more about the man himself. No one knows what led him to this at this point. No letters or suicide notes, no emails have been released, we really know nothing right now.
My big issue right now? people swearing there were other shooters. People calling for immediate gun control changes. People blaming Trump. People attacking the fact that if this was a black guy... People screaming about abortion then saying guns are my right. And the hate being spread when they claim to be so against hate because that is what causes this behavior. Saying what we need is God in schools and back in homes. UGH!
There was another active shooter in the Paris Hotel, I saw him with my own eyes! Really? Active shooter= a person firing a weapon. why were there no injuries or even reports of shots fired?
Stop with the politics, really. Do you realize there are people who haven't even had their loved ones released to them yet? These people need to grieve, for hell sake! They dont' want to hear you fighting over gun control already! And while you are at it- don't tell me how many deaths there are each year by abortion and want that banned but having guns is your right!
And can someone explain how this is Trumps fault? Really? 
The God factor... I have seen a number of people say what we need is God back in the home and prayer in schools. Really? I was raised without God in my home and I turned out to not be a mass murderer. I raised my daughter in a pagan home and she is one of the kindest souls I know. Teaching values and respect and morals has nothing to do with God!
I do think our gun laws need to be changed, I am not saying guns should be banned!
This was a terrible tragic event that will not be forgotten for a long time. And as long as people continue to fight over these issues- nothing will be resolved! Stop the hate, stop the arguing. Come together and be just a little bit open minded to the other sides views. And just maybe we can find a reasonable solution that will help prevent these kind of things from happening. No, they will never be stopped- it is part of todays world. But every angry word you say to a friend who disagrees with your stand on gun control, every negative thought you have about people who have mental health issues, every bit of hate that you let out... that is what creates this behavior in people- even in yourself! 
Just love one another. And pray for the victims.

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