My Love

My Love

Monday, October 30, 2017


Remember when you were younger and nervous about a test? You told people you had anxiety. Was it really? For years I would have what I always considered panic attacks, today I look back and wonder... what exactly was that I was experiencing? I don't know, but it was nothing like the true anxiety I have experienced the past few years!
This year has been worse than any anxiety I have ever experienced, I can't leave the house- I can't even think about leaving the house without hot flashes and shakes and breathing problems. The thought of going to a bar with friends- horrifying! Sometimes I have anxiety for no explainable reason... I can be sitting watching television and just get the hot flashes and loss of breath and other sensations that go along with it. My anxiety has even caused me to go into seizures in recent months. I have lost most of my social life, I'm again unable to drive the majority of time, I work very minimal hours.
People don't truly understand the extent of anxiety until they have been there. it truly is debilitating... and I hate it! I make excuses for everything, I hate admitting that I can't go out because of anxiety.
A friend shared this article tonight on her facebook that was a great read for me, and it inspired me to share...
It's not that simple to just take a deep breath, to push it to the back of your mind, or whatever else people always say/ Anxiety is one of those invisible illnesses, but it affects people physically. Remember that next time a friend tells you they have anxiety.

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