My Love

My Love

Monday, October 9, 2017

I miss this

As most of you have read, I have had troubles in my relationship with my family, over 5 years of zero contact with my parents prior to this year. But thru it all, there are things from my childhood that I truly miss. Things I will never have back, things that I didn't carry on in my family- that I probably should have.
I really did have a good childhood, my parents took good care of my sister and I and gave us wonderful memories, taught us family values and good morals.
I miss helping my mom tear up loaves of fresh bread 2 days before Thanksgiving and laying it out on every cooking sheet we own to prepare for homemade stuffing. I miss sitting listening to my parents and their siblings talk about my grandparents- things from way before my day! I miss eggs benedict on Wilbeldon finals Sunday. I miss watching mom cook, altho I never got any of her talent! I miss her food!
I miss sitting in my dads office just watching him work. And the most amazing 10 years working at his side! I miss the polock  jokes and my dads crazy sense of humor that drove mom nuts. I miss their cute bickering.
I miss the road trips, camping, driving across country- 3 people in a person car! I miss the things I learned on those trips and the things I saw, the foods I ate!
I miss being allow to open ONE gift one Christmas eve- and always knowing what it was... grandma made all the girls nightgowns every year, and we had them on Christmas morning every year!
Here's a crazy one... I miss the responsibility. Every Saturday my sister and I knew, without being told, that we had weely chores and we couldn't go play or anything until they were done. we just knew and did it. Rules were made in our family and we all followed them, simple! Just like dishes, we knew whose turn it was and they got done, they were never left even an hour after everyone was finished with dinner... the faster I got dishes done, the sooner I could sit down to watch that show I want to see!
I miss watching tv as a family, even the crap I had zero interest in! 60 Minutes and stuff like that.
Childhood doesn't last forever, but family should. I am blessed to have my parents back in my life. Hopefully one day my sister will open up to having me in her life too.

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