My Love

My Love

Friday, October 20, 2017

thankful for family

Have I mentioned how much I love my family? And my ride family?
I haven't been out much this year, this ride season. Between trying to work, having health problems, and financial issues, not to mention the depression- I just haven't been a part of the things I normally am. Last night I had the chance to attend an event for my favorite Gold Star family, as a part of PGR (aka ride family). I even got on the bike for a few miles! It really was healing for me to get out and be around those people and their positive energy. Even one of our longest time members and former state captain who is now battling cancer, was able to attend this event! If she can muster the energy and fight the emotions, then I can too! It helped me more than anything else last night to see her! Then I decided to splurge and we went to dinner with about half the group from the event. It was an evening of forgetting my stress and full of smiles! Very healing! I need to remember these people really are good for me.
My family, the people I consider my family are the people in my home. This weekend marks one year since I met them on the day we moved them in, and one year since my life has been forever changed. They have taught me so much, brought renewed joy to my life. Reminded me of the reasons to have family and be close. And of course- to be thankful for the little things and to always give when you can. I truly can't imagine not having them in my life. There is no doubt in my mind that they are the reason I am alive today.
I also have my Tooele family... of course my daughter- my reason for everything ever. But her dad and grandparents who have been such good friends to me and truly are still family 25 years after divorcing. They have supported me thru some rough times, been there for me no matter what. That's family.
Then there is my own biological family. My sister is not a part of my life, her choice- I tried to reconnect and hope that one day we can get on with life and be friends. I am blessed to have my parents back in my life, altho it is limited, I still have contact and feel like I can open up a bit again with them. I have some contact with a couple cousins, but that's it. My parents are an important part of my life, tho. I need to have them around, I for them to know I really do love them and I want to spend time with them before it's too late.
I have been blessed with so many people I consider family, people I love, people I would die for. I have been blessed people who feel the same for me. Once in a while I forget that I matter to people, and how lucky I really am to have all these incredible people in my life.
My husband, I can't forget him. He has put up with so much- my health, my depression, my past. He is my rock. I don't think he knows that, I don't think he understands how much he really does mean to me. But I believe all this was meant to happen, and we were meant to be together in the end.
I love you all!

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