My Love

My Love

Sunday, November 5, 2017


This past year I have had health problems- physical and mental. I didn't get out to do the things I usually do, I never went on rides with out friends, we didn't go to summer bbqs, never joined our friends at the bar... I just never felt up to it. Whether I was sick, or hurting too bad, or my anxiety wouldn't allow me out of the house, or even if the depression was so bad I couldn't face my friends...
I was a prisoner to my home. I missed out on so much! I haven't seen any of my friends this year, didn't do any of the things people are used to me doing. I have felt so disconnected from my friends and really, my life. I am that crazy super social girl who makes friends with everyone as soon as I meet them, I'm the one running around at every event I attend making sure I say hi to everyone I recognize. And this year my face and my hugs weren't anywhere... and in return I didn't get to see any of those faces or get any of those hugs. completely emotionaly separated from my friends and many who I consider family. 
I know that has contributed more to my depression than it was in the first place. on the rare occassion I do see people- I light up and feel better. But then I am reminded that I am not a part of that life anymore, and whats worse (yes, a moment of self pity), very few of these people have even checked up on me- none have come by. So there goes my self worth out the window again and I fall back into the depression. Not that I base my self worth on my friends, but people who i think of as family and really would do anything to help them if needed- don't see the severity of my condition, or just dont care. I don't like to think that tho. I know these people have busy lives.
It scares me, really. Am I that far disconnected that I have lost these people? Will I have their support thru my recovery after surgery? Or if and when I get better from all of this- will they be there still, will I still have these friends?
Anyway, maybe this is a topic to take up with my therapist this week!
I love my friends and I love my family. I am very blessed to have the people I have in my life and beyond blessed to know that I am going to have people around me while I am recovering to help me and to care for my dogs and make sure my husband eats and and all that stuff!

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