My Love

My Love

Friday, November 10, 2017


Ever wonder what your dogs think or what they actually understand? What do they really want when they give you that look or keep pawing at your leg while you are reading?
I have six dogs in my home, they all have their own unique personalities, they all have their own ways of telling us things... at the moment- they are all sleeping!
My hound will come in the middle of the night and start whining, if I ignore her- she scratches at the bed frame. I get up thinking she needs to go out... nope! She jumps up and lays on my pillow. My lab will lift her paw when sitting in front of me, or put it on my leg. Whether I am petting her or ignoring her or talking to her- what is this? Maggie jumps, she tries to jump into my arms when she gets excited... which is all the time! I wish for a day I could just hear them, read their minds. Do they like the food we feed them? Why won't Sadie eat out of her bowl anymore? Why does Emily insist on eating on the sofa or in the chair? For the longest time I wondered why my dogs would randomly stare and start growling, then I realized they really do see spirits.
I love these dogs, some days they drive me insane with their barking, but I wouldn't trade any of them for the world!
I was raised with a dog, First Heidi- our german shepard, then Squirt- she was a total mutt! Then we got Ginger, she was a golden retriever. I grew up with Ginger, my high school years, my teen, all the times that I struggled. I left home, but I saw her when I visited my folks. It was hard to watch her get old, trouble walking, her eyes got bad. One day my mom called and told me she was finally putting Ginger down. that was rough, but for the best.
I always wanted to have a dog of my own, to raise with my daughter, but living in apartments, moving a lot, and not having the money to care for a pet made that not possible. I got her a dog once, she named him Pepper- he was a black lab. We had him for a couple years then we had to move and were forced to give him up. Grandma's brother took him, so my daughter coud still visit and know he was in good hands. Pepper was a runner, any chance he got he was out the door and running. He was eventually hit by a car and passed away.
I truly can't imagine my life without dogs. They make me smile when I'm sad, they comfort me when I'm sick, they keep me busy and give me purpose when I'm down. I know one day I will have to say good-bye to my sweet girls, but until then I will cherish every moment with them.

Everyone should have a dog in their life!

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