My Love

My Love

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


Last night, and the night before, my grandma came to visit. I smelled that parfume, something that will never leave my memory. I felt her sit on my bed. I feel like she wants to tell me something- there is a message... but I haven't heard her speak, not felt a message. I expect another vistit. I loved my grandma so much- Gomma Kitty. She passed away while I was pregnant with my oldest, and has been with my daughter since. This recent experience has been the most powerful of any visits she has made to me, so I am excited to know why she is coming to me, what she is wanting to tell me. I miss her and think of her often.
I'm sure many of you don't believe this stuff, but I do regularly get visits, have energies in my home from those who have left this earth. I welcome them into my space. I love that I can experience this, I have always believed in ghosts or spirits, but not until my early 20s did I ever actually experience one.
I realized I had to be open to them, open myself to accepting what they wanted to show me- then they would come to me. Pretty amazing really. I have had people from my own life come to me, I also have energies from strangers- I usually dont understand why me, but I still try.
It has been and continues to be a fun and educational journey. Open your hearts and your minds- you will be amazed at the experiences you can have!

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