My Love

My Love

Saturday, August 23, 2014

This weekend I have the opportunity to have some alone time. I realize I am alone quite often at home, but it's never really alone time. Most of the time someone is home, I have something to get done, my mind is racing... but this weekend is just me and no worries! It feels wonderful to just relax and be able to clear my head. I love my husband and my family and my dogs... but once in a while everyone needs a break. It's been quite a while since I have had this mini vacation, and I am enjoying every second of it! 
I just saw something on Facebook that grabbed my attention~ Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept what your mind already knows. This is so very true! Lately I have been struggling with thoughts that my once best friend is no longer the person she used to be. Without getting into details, she has become so extremely negative, angry, and protective of a liar. It was so hard to let go of the idea that she was still the person I love and wanted to have in my life forever. But every day it got harder and harder. And the man in her life... I once had so much respect for him, before they even met! Now, I can't even stand the idea of being at a function he attend. How do people change so drastically? Can they not see that others want nothing to do with that kind of drama and negativity? Do they not care what others think of them? It's sad, it really is. I miss her, I have for a very long time- the person she was a couple years ago. Today was the end. I cut off communications with her- and with the man in her life. We all have struggles, daily struggles that most people, unless you are close to each other, don't realize. We don't all advertise and beg for sympathy, we don't blame others and rant about hatred. We deal with it. I have so much going on in my life, yet I deal with it within my family and my very close friends... and I always reach out to help others who may need it, no matter where I am at with my situations.
Today I woke up to see snow on the mountains behind this house. It is August! Quite a chilly night filled with thunder and lightning and rain, and a very cool morning- and I see that white stuff! It's pretty much all melted now, thank goodness!
Troy and I were supposed to be on a weekend getaway with our PGR family this weekend. Gathering of the Guard is in Vernal, that's where everyone headed off to. But we decided we needed to save the money for our move and cancelled the trip. I'm ok with it... it is probably cold up there, and I don't do well in the cold on the bike, I'm sure I wouldn't be enjoying myself. And, because we didn't go, I was able to help out my dear friends while they go, by staying with their dogs.
I am so grateful for the positive attitude I have found, the peaceful mind I have created, and the amazing friends I have! 
My past was full of anger and hurt, and fake people and drama. I am past that, I have grown, and I love the life I have!

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