My Love

My Love

Sunday, August 10, 2014


So much on my mind tonight, so many different emotions running around. I can't even focus on a single topic right now. 
There are so many different types of people who enter our lives. They all are there for a reason, whether you are happy about it or not. People will come into your life and judge you, then there are the people who have beliefs and lifestyle totally opposite yours, but still choose to be a friend. There are people who seem like they will be the best friend ever, then eventually you see a side of them you can't accept. There are people you would drop everything for and you know would do the same for you.
Today I had experiences with all these people! I am blessed to have the friends I do, I love the friends I can talk to no matter what. There are people who will hurt you no matter what they say to you, there are people who will make you smile with every word. 
That one person who cries constantly that his/her life sucks because they have no money and no life. no life because they pushed everyone away, and still manage to get the sympathy from others to have things given to them... even a vacation paid for? I struggle, we can't take trips, we don't make a big deal of it and beg for sympathy... we deal with it. We sacrifice. Do we like it? No. But we manage and accept what we have been dealt.
That person who judges you. Does he have any idea what you have been thru? 
I am irritated with people. I really wish we could just leave the city for good. Not deal with nearly the people and the crap we put up with.
95% of people have no idea who I really am and why... and yes, I would be terribly judged I'm sure. If you don't like me, that's your problem~ not mine.
I really wish I could organize my thoughts right now! I apologize for not making any sense tonight.

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