My Love

My Love

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Amazing weekend- amazing people

Today was the ride of the year... Fallen Officer Ride, honoring Utahs law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty. And supporting the families of these men and women. Police officers, in my opinion, are just like our military- they put their lives on the line every day, just here at home rather than on foreign soil. These are just as much heroes as our military. This past year we had 2 officers shot and killed. These were the families we focused on today. The funds raised go to support the families, help them where the benefits stop. Today there were over 6000 bikes, I can't even begin to guess how much money was raised!
It was a long hot day, but always worth it!
So many people I only see once a year, I really look forward to this ride each year for so many reasons! The people who bring their children out to stand on the road waving and holding flags as all 6000 bikes go by. I love waving to the kids and knowing that they not only enjoy seeing us- but their parents have probably explained why we do this. The memorial at the state capitol with names, photos, and explanation of death- each attached to a flag near the memorial wall. The ceremony is always so emotional, one day they will have to find a bigger location- I truly don't think they ever expected this to get so much attention!

Truly a wonderful day with thousands of wonderful people. We had our group of friends we rode with- my sister and some friends from PGR. But everyone who comes out for this, everyone who supports this~ all amazing!

In addition to this ride, the entire weekend was just the best I could ask for! Friday night I had date night with my amazing husband. We rarely get out just the two of us. The kids were camping so we took advantage of that. Dinner and a couple hour ride- just us! Saturday morning we had the honor of attending the wedding of a woman who has become very close to us, her son was the first mission Troy and I participated in as PGR members. She has become a dear friend, and I am so very happy to see that she has found a man who is so very good to her and puts that smile on her face! Then later Saturday we attended a birthday party for a good friend. BBQ, a lot of food, fun and laughs and friends... been a while since we spent time with this group of friends- and it was wonderful!

I am exhausted now, and ready for my Monday to get here. Kids are home in one piece from camping. And everything is good here on the homefront. Avoiding the drama and negativity that seems to be trying so hard to enter my world- I am blocking it and loving my life!
Thanx to those who read what comes out of my head!
)O( Blessings to you all )O(

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