My Love

My Love

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Hump Day Post

It's Wednesday. What a week it has been since I got home! First of all, I dumped a cup of coffee on my lap top my last morning away. I have gotten so spoiled having this lap top! Three days without it and I was going crazy! I no longer have my desk top hooked up to the internet, so everything was done from my phone. My amazing nephew was able to save my lap top and I picked it up today! Yay! Kinda sad that we all rely so much on technology. I have spent much of the last two days crocheting, which has been nice. I love to crochet... just wish my eyes would cooperate and my tendinitis wouldn't act up. I have to take breaks more often than I would like, but I do still get stuff done!
We took Kayla in to see the doctor today for her ankle. It has been bothering her again. The doctor said it is scar tissue built up that just needs to be broken down thru exercise. What a relief! I was not looking forward to being told they want to open her back up! 
I am becoming more hopeful about the house hunt- time to start getting serious about it, I want to be out of here before the first of October.
I am getting irritated and frustrated again with the room mates daughter and her boyfriend. Things have been going so well, it was really nice! But I knew it wouldn't last forever. Maybe my expectations are too high, maybe they just don't get it. But I really feel taken advantage of... and I honestly feel sorry for the room mate once we are gone! I don't why I allow it to get to me sometimes, but really- how hard is it to say thank you once in a while? There is more than that, of course, but just a thank you would do so much!
I am feeling really good this week, it's a nice change! The weather has been crazy- rain everyday, temps not even hitting 80. Just strange for August. But I am really liking it!
So something has been bothering me, but I haven't had my computer to blog, so here goes my rant...
I had my weight goals all planned out, and I was doing so well! I was 2 pounds away from the weight I really want to be at! I was thrilled! People tell me it is too thin for me, but it is where I feel comfortable- so screw those opinions- it's my body. Anyway... I got on a scale this weekend... OMG! I am now 15 pounds from that goal. What in the world happened? I am not at all happy! I know, I need to get off my tush and get back to working out, but really- I put on almost 15 pounds since June?! I'm just confused and a bit frustrated.
OK, that rant is over, thanx for putting up with me. 
I have to wake the husband up in a couple hours for an early day of work. It's been a pretty boring evening. And I need to eat!  

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