My Love

My Love

Thursday, August 7, 2014


August has always been one of my very favorite months of the year, since I was little. My sister and my dad both have birthdays in August, it's the warmest month of the year- which in my opinion makes it the best month!
 Growing up we always took a two week vacation as a family, then later just with my parents. We went so many places! East, west, south and north. Sometimes camping, sometimes in the car. I saw so much, beautiful places, historic monuments, unusual things. I really learned a lot on these trips. 
As I got older I found more people in my life who celebrate birthdays this month, my former mother-in-law, who is still my best friend, my twins- one of whom is my soulmate. The man I had my longest relationship with. 
It has remained a month of celebration for me. Being outdoors and loving my life! Sure there are things that get me sad, like the fact that I will not be celebrating my dads 75th birthday with him on Saturday. But I keep the memories of other years in my mind. I wish I could take my daughter on the kind of trips I went on as a child, but I don't have the means. I did take her one year on a long vacation to California (in August). We went to Disneyland, Big Bear, spent a day in Vegas. Then to Sea World, a day at the beach. And topped off with the best surprise party ever! It was for my dads 60th birthday, he went to spend his 60th with his brother and sister... he was completely unaware that my California plans included seeing him, nor did he know the family had contacted friends and relatives from multiple states! We had an entire beach reserved at a club, bon fires, BBQs, so much fun for everyone! It was truly a memory I won't forget. 
August was also about getting ready to go back to school. I loved school as a kid!
As a teen August was about being in California. My parents would go on a trip alone and I would get to stay with my aunt and uncle a block from the beach!
My sister married in August. 
Now August is about seeing the neighborhood kids go back to school and not torment my dogs all day.
August is for being on the bike with Troy and enjoying our time and mother nature.
August will always be my favorite.

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