My Love

My Love

Sunday, December 27, 2015

random thoughts

Still bothered by the rough holiday, I fell apart last night when my daughter shared a post on her FB that said "I wish Santa was real, so the parents who can't afford Christmas could see their kids smile on Christmas morning." That killed me. I am trying so hard to just put this miserable holiday behind me and have a positive outlook on next year, and set goals and get things in motion to ensure next year is not a repeat of this year. Need to stop dwelling!

So here I sit, at my home away from home, for an entire week still! I have some amazing friends, who I truly think of as family, they invite me to stay and watch the house and keep the dog company when they travel. I do pretty much nothing but relax! I get a break my life and get to just escape and have some ME time. I miss my family and my dogs when I come down here, but they can survive without me.
Right now is a really good time for me to be away and have this time to myself. I have a lot of thinking to do, planning, goals and changes to make... to myself and my life- and ultimately my future and my family's future.

I woke up today and the temperature outside was 5... real feel was -4! so needless to say, this is an indoor mini vacation! When they go away in the summer, I like to sit outside, but this trip I'm curled up with a blanket and a dog on the fabulous sofa!

So as for my goals, I have to look at where i've been and where I want to be, I have to look at where my family is and how I want their future to turn out. Everything I do with my life- affects my entire family one way or another... my husband, my girls, my son in law and grand baby... and future grandbabies.
This past year was a huge step in reaching my goals- but in many ways I was pushed backward. Having my health improve like it has, is the biggest thing that could possibly happen for our future. I am so blessed that Thrive came into my life when it did, or I would not even be thinking about a future! My future as I saw it a year ago, was aging 10 years in the following year and not being able to do anything for myself or with my family. Thrive changed that... it took ten years off! And I am more active thatn I have been in a long time!
This upcoming year will for sure be one of many changes for me. I have the motivation and the desire to have a different life!

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