My Love

My Love

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Just a Silly Rant

Times are hard these days for everyone. Not a day goes by that I see friends and acquaintances struggling to get by... living less than pay check to pay check, not able to provide much Christmas for their kids, living with friends or family to keep living expenses down... it is hard and it is sad to see these things. But it is unfortunately the reality of the times for many.
I have been there, I am there now. And I do absolutely everything I can to be sure I can afford to care for my family and provide the necessary things for us... a roof over our heads, food on the table, etc. Thankfully my family is not big into gift giving and celebrating, and we all understand the situation. I scrimp and save and go without, I coupon and shop sales and put off wants for a very long time- sometimes until it is no longer a want!
What do I see in society? I see people complaining they have to live with friends, but I see them going out every weekend. I see them not able to afford to see a doctor, but can afford all the junk food and crap they spend on daily. Then my biggest issue, and probably the most financially irresponsible thing they could do... they complain about all of these things- not having a home of their own, not being able to have a Christmas, etc, etc... then sheer excitement and joy when they announce they are expecting another child! Really? you can't afford rent but you can afford a new baby? News alert*** condoms are cheaper than diapers! A new baby is a life long expense. Why do people do this? Get your finances on track before growing your family!
I feel bad for people who are in the situations I first mentioned, but once they make this kind of irresponsible decision... I have no sympathy and I will not support your choice to have a child, nor will I try to help you thru those rough times. There is a difference in falling on hard times and creating your own.
I love seeing families grow and thrive, I love seeing happy moms and dads and new babies. But be sure you are in a place in your life that it is possible! Your children are the ones who will suffer from you being stupid.
I don't care if you are married or single, there are a lot of single parents out there who are more capable of caring for a child than 2 parent homes!
When I had my daughter, I was married, we had our house and could afford our bills with enough money to spare for special occasions. I quickly learned how fast that can all change. I ended up raising my child as a single mother for the most part, struggling off and on. Living with family, going without so my daughter had what she needed... and I ALWAYS made sure there was no chance I would end up with another child before the time was right.
That is my rant for today, my apologies if I upset anyone, but I need to be honest- and I am not sorry for my opinion.
Happy Holidays to all who follow me.

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