My Love

My Love

Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015... so much change!

Wow, What a year! It started out with me at one of my very lowest points... My health, my physical abilities, my mental and emotional state- all lower than I ever remember. I weighed more than I have in 8 years, I was using a cane to get around... some days I couldn't even get out of bed. I didn't leave home alone, I never slept, My epilepsy was at a high, having multiple seizures daily. I was beyond depressed. I wasn't a part of my family anymore- I never wanted to do things, go places... between the pain and the anxiety and the chronic fatigue, I just curled up in a ball and was living life as a hermit. My COPD had gotten very bad, the aches and pains believed to be fibro, altho not diagnosed, all of these issues led me to believe this was what my life would forever be. I was beyond depressed, I had suicidal thoughts daily! My family deserved so much more- they shouldn't have to care for me!
Then I learned about Thrive. Actually, I didn't even really learn much about it at all. I saw a friend using it and feeling amazing and positive after losing her husband. I picked up the phone and asked her about it. I talked to Troy, it wasn't a very cheap product considering my fixed income. But I was desperate for some kind of help and was willing to give it a try. I had to give it a try... I was ready to kill myself! I needed hope, I needed to believe I could get better... even if it only helped a little, that would be better than nothing. We agreed it was worth giving it a try for a month to see how and if it could help me. 
Over the past ten months my life has done a complete flip! I cannot explain how much has changed and improved since I started taking the Thrive products! I feel young again, I feel like the ME I was a few years ago! My family has me back, I have me back.
Over the year I slowly started feeling better, gaining confidence in myself again. Yes, I still have some problems but everyday gets a little bit better. I work out, I sleep, I'm losing weight, I can breathe better and don't hurt nearly as much as I used to. I go out more, even go for walks alone. I've stopped all the supplements my doctor had me on- and my blood work last month came back as close to normal as it ever has! way better than when I was on those things. I haven't been sick, I don't take pills that didn't really help me in the first place. 
Going into 2016 I am looking forward to a new me, a more positive me than ever! I already have a job prospect that should be falling into place right away. My daughter is getting married this year! So much to look forward to! A better life, a better family situation, a better marriage. Improved health and improved financial well being and improved relationships.
2015 was amazing, 2016 will be the follow up... completing the beginnings of this past year.
Love light and happiness to all for the coming year. If 2015 was not the best of years for you, don't give up hope. You never know what lies ahead.

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