My Love

My Love

Friday, August 10, 2018


I have a bit of a rant today. Almost daily we hear about motorcycles going down, people being killed on bikes- or injured permanently. It breaks my heart, really! We love riding! It has been a huge part of our life together, and knowing that our lives are more at risk on the bike than in a car- is scary.
I have lost count of the deaths this year involving motorcycles, but in the past three days- 2 of our friends have been hospitalized and are in critical condition due to their passion for bikes. But completely different circumstances put them there.
What upsets me? More of the accidents this year, the fatalities this year- have been due to 'rider error', the nice way of saying they were being stupid. And that gives the rest of us a really bad reputation!
Watch out for motorcycles! Yeah, that's what we shove in everyone's face constantly during riding season... But if a motorcycle rider is not obeying the laws and is being wreckless- how can we fault a car or truck for being in an accident with them?
Friend #1- hit by a pick-up truck that didn't see him. No, he wasn't hidden- the driver just wasn't paying close enough attention or watching for bikes. He was life-flighted, has multiple broken bones and bleeding on the brain. I was told this morning that he is now awake... positive step in such a tragedy! But a long road to recovery.
Friend #2- this is going to upset some people. Riding down a canyon highway in busy traffic, pulling a small trailer. Decided he wanted to get home faster than the friends he was with and pulled out ahead. It is estimated that he was going about 100mph, witnesses say he was weaving in and out of traffic. He lost control and went down. He is lucky no other vehicles were involved- he could have been hit or run over by any number of vehicles, including a semi that he came close to sliding under. He has not been awake since they found him, multiple fractures, bleeding and swelling of the brain, oxygen tube- and heavily sedated (which I assume means medically induced coma).
I feel for each of these men, they are friends, we have ridden with both of them. Friend #1 is what most of us expect to hear when someone is in an accident on their bike. Friend #2... was just being an idiot. Sorry, but he was. Go ahead and be suicidal on your bike if that is what you want, but don't put others at risk, do that crap when you are out on the open road with no traffic.
Last week a couple died on their bike- going to fast for the turn they were making... they left behind 4 children.
Earlier this year I drove past an accident, all I saw was a mangled bike and a sheet over what was obviously a body. Later on the news it was said this young man was speeding and missed the turn.
These are the stories I keep hearing. It hurts to hear about dead bikers, but it hurts more to hear that it was their own fault.
I am not the safest passenger out there, I don't wear leathers, I almost never wear a helmet. I have friends who make these kind of choices as well. But most of these passenger friends trust their spouse with their life, the majority of my friends who ride obey the laws, ride smart and safe, and always think about the 'what if' at the next intersection.
Stop being stupid! Stop being an asshole on your bike! You have a family, you have friends, anyone who sees you go down has to live with that vision. Go ahead and make yourself a victim of yourself- but dont make others victim of your stupidity!
I trust very few people to ride with or allow any of my girls to ride with... and this is why!
Pretty soon people will start seeing motorcycles and riders as the casue of accidents, as a danger to the roads.... we have battled that stigma for a long time and finally got to a place where others respect us and watch for us... don't ruin that for those of us who respect the road and respect our bike.
Meanwhile I will keep both these friends in my thoughts- no one ever deserves this kind of thing to happen to them... no matter how stupid they act.

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