My Love

My Love

Monday, August 13, 2018


Last week we decided we were ready to bring another fur baby into our life. Not just any dog, we wanted a rescue- to help a dog that isn't a puppy. As i looked over the classified I found the one.
This is Bella. She is 8 months old, a cattle dog mix- I'm thinking with lab. When we got her, we were told she was healthy and happy, mostly trained, a good dog. Sadly we were misinformed, but we are happy to say she is in a better home where she will be cared for properly.
Bella is thin, too thin. When we feed her, she acts as if she hasn't eaten in days- she just can't get enough. We feed her more than a dog her size would normally eat at this point, hopefully she will get to a healthy weight in no time. She was starved for attention, and still is. We are working on limitations while giving her all the love she needs. Our other 2 get a bit jealous when Bella gets a lot of attention, especially when they see she isn't being good. They know the rules, they know they have to be good. She is starting to follow their lead a bit, key words that they understand- she is beginning to recognize. My other 2 dogs are not as playful nor do they have the energy of the pup! And she wants to play with them, almost constantly... Sadie is more into playing, but Roxy pretty much wants nothing to do with Bella right now. A lot of getting used to each other will be taking place the next couple weeks! A lot of training going on!
We love her, and are happy to have her in our family. We are happy to have her away from the family who didn't want the responsibility.

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