My Love

My Love

Monday, March 23, 2015

Which path do I take now?

So much has changed in the past month! I am now trying to figure out where I am meant to go with everything. It's only been a month, do I wait it out a bit longer and see how things play out? Maybe things will fall into place and decide for me what I should do. I am thinking I want to go back to work, part time maybe? Do I want to jump in to being a Thrive promoter full time? Should I keep things as they are? I have so much energy and so much of myself to give, I don't like tea of just staying home continuing as I have been. I was put in this position because my health prevented me from following any other road... but now I feel I have options, a choice. I am beyond excited to see what the future holds for me now. The thought of getting a part time job thrills me! I really want to shoot for that this year, I think. Of course my family is my priority, and always will be, but working a few hours a week would help my mental and emotional state, as well as bring a little more income into the home. I am blessed to have the family I do, so very supportive of whatever choices I make.
Maybe I will wait until summer gets closer, at least until May- after Brandon's Ride and all the craziness that is going along with that. That gives me a few weeks to at least get more stable with my health and wellness. I need to be sure this is going to last! I believe it will, but I guess a part of me is still a skeptic, especially with all the let down I have experienced over the years... nothing ever goes as we think it should or as we want.
I've also been evaluating friendships. Who is important to me and my life? I have enough people in my life that I think I should be a bit choosier and pay attention to those who are acting like such good friends, but are really back stabbers, the ones who swear they hate drama- but start rumors about themselves, the ones who really don't care about anyone but themselves. I have some amazing happy people in my life, people who no matter what, are always there, people I can have fun with and tell my secrets to, people who call me up just to say hey- lets go ride! Just to share the day, not to tell me about someone elses life and how they are judging it! Yeah, this has been sitting in my head for a few weeks, bubbling up a little more each day. And after such a wonderful weekend, I realize that is what I want my life to be!
happy and healthy, friends, that is what life is about! I am grateful for the friends who have brought so much into my life, and I am also grateful for the friends who have shown me what I really don't want in my life. I hope you can figure out which one you are. Most of you fit into the wonderful friend category... but a few of you- suck the life out of others!
So what path am I taking? The positive one!

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