My Love

My Love

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I Believe in...

Is it fate? Is it destiny? Or is it just what was meant to be all along? Whatever it is, I believe it happened this way for a reason!
Lets go back a few years... I met a family who had just that week lost their son and brother to the war, he was KIA. I had not yet heard of PGR, I had never met any other families, aside from Mom and Steve, who had experienced this tragedy. It hit me hard, I could not imagine the pain they were feeling, but I felt some of that pain when I hugged them, looked in the eyes of this girl who has just lost her brother. Right then something told me that would not be my last dealing with this girl.
After joining PGR, I got to know the parents quite well, such an amazing family, so positive and full of light, but I could see the struggle they live with. Their daughter was occasionally around, but not as much as I would have hoped, I really felt something was telling me to connect with her.
The following summer is when I decided to get my Brandon tattoo. The two words that meant the most to me, that had gotten me thru the most difficult times of my life, BELIEVE and FREEDOM. Believe IN freedom. This is my life motto.
So fast forward to about a year ago. This girl had grown to be a beautiful and happy young lady, madly in love with her husband... and was now battling something even bigger than what she had already been thru. Her husband had a rare cancer, and they honestly didn't know one day to the next how things would turn out. I so wanted to reach out to her, but family and close friends is what she needed. I prayed for them, I lit candles for him all the time, and I followed their story online. and thru even the worst of days, she had a light in her soul, a positive attitude, at least on the outside. I couldn't understand how she was able to hold together, but I was envious!
Within a couple weeks of her sweet husband passing away, she started sharing photos of herself with a patch on her arm, talking about how amazing she felt. I was so happy for her, and curious! I made some comments, but never really followed up with her. She had found a product that has helped her in so many ways! So after a month of hesitation I finally picked up the phone.
She introduced me to Thrive, and to her brother in law, who introduced this amazing product to her. Team Believe is what he calls himself, his group, us!
Believe in a better life, in a healthier life, believe in happiness and freedom... freedom to be who and what you want with no restrictions due to health concerns. If you don't believe, nothing will ever happen for you!
I believe that I was brought into this young ladys life for a reason! And I am so blessed to be here!

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