My Love

My Love

Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Thrive Experience

So I have rewritten this a half dozen times now... I realized I don't need all the little things! So here it is one more time.
So over the past 5 years my health, my mental and emotional state, my marriage even... has all been declining.Recent months tho... unbearable is truly the only word that can describe it. Chronic pain from fibromyalgia and arthritis, chronic fatigue, insomnia. Memory problems, weight gain, severe depression, and anxiety to a point I never thought could exist in me.All of this was wearing thin on my marriage, on my family, causing even more depression. I wasn't living, I was existing. I put on a smile so no one knew how bad it really was. I had days I didn't get out of bed~ sometimes because of the pain, sometimes because of the depression. I lost my desire to live, I had lost my purpose. I was surviving on coffee and mountain dew, and sweets. Nothing mattered anymore... I was in a very dark place, I was even allowing thoughts of drugs into my head, drugs I swore I'd never touch again years ago. I needed help.
They say everything happens for a reason, and I am a true believer of that, always have been. Not sure exactly why yet, but I know I was meant to get to this extreme low place... maybe so I could finally realize that I needed help.
And there it was, the help I had been praying for. A sweet gal I know was putting all this positive stuff on FB about how fabulous she felt... so after a lot of hesitation I finally reached out and asked. I honestly have never heard anyone so passionate about any product. I'm a big believer that you need to try something to be able to really understand it enough to recommend others try it, and wow, she didn't even need to try to sell it, I was sold just from hearing her passion and her story about how her life had changed.
Next day, I woke up, took 2 capsules, made my coffee, drank a shake and put a patch on... and proceeded with my day. Hours into this experience I was already feeling a difference in myself! I was doing things! I was motivated! By the end of three days~ I was off my cane and my chronic pain was all but gone. I wasn't napping in the day. And I could feel that smile inside me starting to peak thru that dark curtain.
Today has been 4 weeks. I still have some trouble falling asleep at night, but once I do, I sleep! I don't nap anymore, I have energy to do things, and I'm motivated to do those things! I drink soda maybe 2 or three times a week. I am pretty much out of pain. I even stopped taking my anxiety meds almost 2 weeks ago! AND have even left the house alone, gone for a couple walks by myself. Something I haven't done in over 5 years.
My husband and my daughter are noticing a huge difference in me, even my brother asked what is this product that gave me back my sister that I remember from so many years ago?
My life is no longer pain and darkness, it is bright sunshine and exercise! I have even lost a couple pounds! which I am hoping to work on this next month now that I have all this other stuff under control.
Thrive literally saved my life. I don't even have words to describe how thankful I am for Denise and Dexter and this product.

If you are interested in changing your life, give it a try! go to
for all the information!

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