My Love

My Love

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Mind on Overdrive!

So much on my mind this weekend! We went on a wonderful ride to Evanston that was exactly the therapy I needed! I was perfect weather and perfect company. My sis and her husband, a couple friends from the club they ride with, and a friend from high school Troy and I haven't seen in over 25 years! We rode up, bought lottery tix and had lunch. perfect day! Perfect to blast my music and clear my head.
23 days and 12 hours, that... pedophile, will walk out of the prison. The closer it gets, the more my mind gets going. I have a lot of emotions and opinions and really just need to get some closure. I know my daughter, both of them, will be ok, and I know I will be ok. Just so much I feel he needs to answer for- to me, not a court.
So I have been on Thrive for a month, and feel fabulous! or, as I've been saying, THRIVEtastic! Month one was truly about my overall health. I needed to focus on my depression and anxiety. I needed to focus on my pain and my insomnia. Those are the things that were killing me. Now that I have those things pretty much under control or on the right path to being under control, I can focus on my weight. Month two will be all about my weight loss and getting a bit in shape. I got this, it's all about how I feel and how motivated I am. Thrive has made me feel amazing and has given me the motivation to do something, to change my life. It has given me the energy to be able to do this. So, do I set an actual goal for the month? or just see how it goes? I know what my final goal is, and I know that setting deadlines is totally unrealistic and setting yourself up for failure. I think I'll just push for the best I can!
We are setting up a nursery downstairs. This part of our lives is a bit... not even sure what it is! I am thrilled to be a 'soon to be, part time step grandmother'... or whatever I will be! I know the child wont be here much, especially the first few months, but I am beyond excited to have a baby around once in a while. The situation is hard, but I think my family is strong and we will have no trouble with it!
As always, life is crazy and I am in love with my life! I was handed 5000 fliers today for the ride, I am thrilled and honored to be heading this up!
Spring is here, not much different than our winter was, but it does mean I can start thinking about my garden and barbeques and summer!
Love and light to all!
Thrive on!

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