My Love

My Love

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Weight loss goals

Support. it is truly one of the keys to success in reaching any goal. I have put on quite a bit (in my opinion) of weight the past few years and continue to fail at my attempts to lose it.
I was always that skinny chick. 105 lbs up until my late 30's other than when I was pregnant... both babies I was able to drop the weight right back down in just a few months. Then one day I realized I was 186 pounds! I lost about 40 of it, but each time I tried to lose any more, I gained! my weight right now is about 160... 166 at Christmas.
I recently found a group of people online all with the same goal- to get healthier and lose weight. Most have bigger goals than I do, but we are all there for the same reason. We support each other and motivate each other. We lift each other up, push one another to hit daily and weekly goals. And it's working! I see these girls making it to the gym a few times a week, and hitting big goals like that... I have small goals- I should be able to reach them! And I am. These girls- and a few guys, have helped me to drink more water, stop drinking soda (at least for a few days so far), I'm watching my calories and pushing to hit goals on my daily steps... and most days now I am hitting those too! 
I am seeing results! I have already lost a few pounds! If I can continue with the support I have, then I can continue with the improved habits.
I could not have done this without their support!
Any goal, any challenge, you must have support from someone! Your family is a great source- but they don't always understand your goals. Friends, family, anyone who believes in you and wants to see you succeed and feel better about yourself. Tell them what your goals are- so not only are you holding yourself accountable, but they can also see what you want and be there to hold you accountable.
Find a support system! Succeed in all you desire!
That's my thoughts for tonight. Blessings to you all.

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