My Love

My Love

Sunday, January 14, 2018

keepin on

Almost half way into January... I am meeting my step goals, I am back to work more, I am maintaining a positive attitude! Things are going great! I feel good. a six hour shift by myself kinda wore me down today, but it felt so good to be able to do it! Been a long time since I have felt like I was worth anything at work... been a long time since I have felt like am worth anything at all!
Today I cane home and everyone was cleaning, the house looks so nice! I can't even express to my family how much that really did mean to me today. It might seem like no big deal or like I am not appreciative- but it's a huge deal and it means more than they know. 
Sometimes I feel like this amazing group of people I brought into my home, my life, and my family- don't realize how important they are to me, how much they have helped me and changed me, how much I really love each of them and appreciate them.
I know this is not the perfect living arrangement for everyone, I know it gets hard at times for each of us- to have all these people here, and to live with people who were strangers until the day you became roommates. Adjusting to other lifestyles and rules and eating habits and everything else. But ultimately it works for us. we have what we need, and for that I am grateful. 
I really have found a new light, a positive side of my life again. I am happy for that, and I am happy for the future.

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