My Love

My Love

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

tangled emotions

Insane that I am being so affected by recent news. My first thought when contacted about it was what the hell am I supposed to do with this information? how do I even respond?'
My former mother-in-law, the woman who raised the man who abused my daughter, had a stroke and is not doing well... actually is now on hospice and not expected to make it even another day from now.
I am not a cold hearted person, I feel for her family. I am still fairly close to my nephew and his wife and kids. Altho I am sure none of the rest of the family would even approve of them staying in contact with me.
She was great the beginning of things, she accepted me into the family, she worked out a plan for us to buy her home, she started out a wonderful grandmother. Even before I even knew she had a son- she was a regular at a bar I worked at, I had been to her house and had some incredible memories with our crowd... then everything changed and she became a hateful woman, blaming myself and my daughter for everything. She kicked me out of my home, then changed the locks on a shared storage unit that had ALL of my belongings. She rejected her own grandchild from that point as well. It was hard not to hate her. But I get it, she was sticking up for her son, refused to admit he was guilty. I don't wish pain on anyone. She was once family to me- how can I ignore that fact? She hurt me, but that was so long ago... in a different lifetime! I have moved on, let go of my anger and resentments.
But I also feel guilty for having sympathy for her and her family. After all MY family was put thru due to them, the pain and lifetime of PTSD my daughter faces, the damage will never be undone- and I feel guilty for my family that I feel bad for hers.
my head is a mess with this! I hardly slept after talking to my nephew last night and getting the latest update. This really has me jacked up.
Live and let die I guess... time for me to really put her behind me.
I love my nephew and his family, I cared very much for most of that family, but have not had contact with them in a very long time. I pray they find the peace they need to get thru this all.

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