My Love

My Love

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

And The Search Resumes... Again

For years I have wanted to leave this city. I have had a couple opportunities but never acted on them for various reasons. Every 8 or 10 months I get on that kick again about getting out of here. My dream would be to live in a town or less than 1000 people and no snow... that is the ideal life. Reality is, less than 10k people, and maybe no snow.
The more time goes by, the less I feel I have holding me in this place, and giving me more motivation to get out! Truly at this point all that is keeping us here is my husbands job. So my quest is to find him work that offers a comparable income.
My health can't take the city anymore, my physical health and my mental health! My COPD has gotten worse and will continue to as long as I live in this terrible air quality, winter brings out the worst in my joints. My depression has gotten so much worse this year and much of that could be improved by living in a place that makes me happy, and a place that doesn't get cold... winter is bad for everyone's depression! 
I guess I have always made excuses about leaving. I didn't want to take my daughter far from her dad and her grandma, I had a career, I didn't want to take my daughter out of school before she graduated with her friends, we can't leave my mother in law here without someone to care for her and check on her... and of course, my husbands job. All excuses.
My daughter is grown and on her own, and honestly- we have become a bit distanced (maybe moving away would help me deal with that distance because it would be physical not just emotional), I don't have a career- I'm disabled! My mother in law has amazing friends and relatives who are always near, and if we move we would always be within a day drive! And we believe she will eventually be moving as well. The idea of walking away from a 12 year job is a bit scary. He has great pay, incredible benefits and is treated really well. To give that up for the unknown is of course intimidating, but chances have to be taken.
I am at a breaking point. I truly feel my life depends on me getting out of this city. Sad but true. I hate to force something like this on Troy, I do feel like I am forcing the issue. But what do I do? Stay miserable and continue to decline with my health? I have tried so hard to be happy and stay positive and support him, but I am running out of energy and umph.
I have checked into a couple trucking companies in an area that isn't ideal, but it works! only a couple hours from here, small, not warmer, but no smog! And even a couple houses for rent for way cheaper than what we pay here!
It's still a dream at this point, but I am hoping and praying it becomes reality!

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