My Love

My Love

Thursday, December 14, 2017


In just a few hours I will turn 600 months old! Do you know what that is? that's a half century! Holy crap I'm officially OLD. 5 decades, 50 freaking years.
During that time, I have lived and learned! I have cried and laughed, lived in Europe and lived behind bars. I've practiced christianity as well as wicca, I have had a drinking problem, done drugs, and made bad choices. I became a mom, I married and divorced. I shot guns and have been shot at. I made porn, I owned my own business. I went to college after dropping out of high school. I have faced severe health issues including mental health. I have contemplated homicide as well as suicide. I had relationships with women as well as men. I have traveled, I have felt trapped, I have had more jobs than I can remember. I've been loved and hated, I took risks and didn't care what people thought of me- I have been me! I was told a thousand times I was a failure, my life would never be acceptable... I don't care if it is acceptable!
Who has to accept it? It's my life! No one should be judging my life and my choices. I am half century old now! and still feel I am being judged. Ya know... screw those people! I don't believe I will live another 600 months, but if I do- I plan to live it the same as the first- just as I please! Doing what I want to do, what makes me happy.
Happy 600 to me... 

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