My Love

My Love

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Forgotten Blessings

As I sit in the waiting room at the outpatient surgery center, awaiting my daughter to be done with having her gall bladder removed... I am thinking of all the amazing people and blessings in our life. This process, getting to today, has been stressful to say the least! Seeing my daughter in pain, frustration, hunger, missing work etc off and on for 2 years... having doctors tell us there is nothing wrong... then the battle of the finances... but we are here and everything is going to be ok!
Every once in a while I need someone to talk to, not just one of my good friends who I normally count on, not my husband... someone who isn't in the loop- who can look at situations from the outside and not be one to take sides or give advice based on the emotions they feel toward one side or the other... I found that last night in someone I have never reached out to, but I know and love dearly.
When things were rough for my daughter, having to miss work randomly, or leave early because of pain or weakness or doctor appointments- her employer has been so super understanding and supportive, unlike any company ever! I'm sure most employers would have let her go long before this point! And to top it all off, they went above and beyond any expectations I could have of any employer... they helped us come up with the funds to cover the copayment for today! I was in complete tears when I received an email confirming money was on its way. Such an incredible blessing!
As most of you who follow me know, the hawk is my guardian. Some call it a totem, some call it a spirit animal, for me it is Brandon... keeping me safe and telling me everything is going to be ok! I have had him appear to me 4 times in the last couple days, yesterday was the most significant. We were just leaving IHOP after brunch with my mother in law, I was super stressed over the money issues for today. As we pulled out of the parking lot I saw him circling above us... this put me at complete ease- it was all going to work out! A short time later is when I was on the phone with the VP of my daughters company being asked questions that were needed to push this thru for them to donate to her surgery. Then last night, we were driving home from a friends house, racing the weather, I was getting upset and nervous over some issues I have been silently dealing with that are a part of all this... there he was again... flew ten feet in front of our car, a foot off the ground- into the field next to us (I assume he was catching his dinner!) When I got home is when I had that amazing chat with the wonderful woman who had always said she was there for me... and she helped clear my mind and figure out, logically, how to handle it.
My daughter has been quite nervous about this procedure, any surgery- understandably any surgery would be! She has so much support, and so many people checking on her and talking to her and praying for her! We have a packed waiting room- 5 of us here with her... Grandma made the hour+ drive to be here, always there for Kayla no matter what! Her boyfriend and bestie are both here, of course. And Troy is off work and able to be here for her- he loves her so much, and I love him even more for that.
My best friend who loves my daughter like his own is always contacting me, and her, to check up... and will be the first visitor she has when she gets home today... just like the last surgery.
We are so very blessed to be where we are today, honestly, if it wasn't for everyone in our lives, today would not have happened. So thank you to all our friends, acquaintances, employers, family, and just everyone.
I realize this all might seem silly, but I have had some incredible experiences and ... awakening moments lately, and feel I need to acknowledge and share these blessings!

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