My Love

My Love

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day One... THRIVE!

I got up this morning, took the capsules to start my five day trial of Thrive, had my shake- tastes like cake batter! Then put my patch on. I am dedicated to changing my life, and I think that is a big part of the success. How can a person succeed at anything if they aren't truly dedicated and wanting it? I've only had three cups of coffee today- half what I normally do by this time, 2 smokes- about half what I usually have in the mornings. I so want to feel better!

So here it is- my beginning of the rest of my life! I want to get off my anxiety meds AND be able to do things I haven't done. I want to get off all the added pills my doctors have given me. I want to lose this weight that makes me so depressed. I want to have energy and motivation. I want to sleep better. I know, I am asking a lot, but even if I can change a couple of these things I will be so happy! If Thrive works for me, you can believe I will be telling everyone about it!
I am happy and motivated today- just because I am so excited about this and the possibilities!
Thank you Denise, for introducing me to something that may save my life, my sanity, and my family!

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