My Love

My Love

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Come and Gone... No Regrets!

February 20th, I day I normally celebrate and reflect on... This year it passed without even a thought in my mind about what it represents in my life! February 20th 2007 was the day I walked out of prison a free woman! Totally free! I had an entirely new understanding of the meaning of 'free,' I was a changed person with changed values. I had goals and dedication in my heart and soul. I found myself and who I truly was.
It has been 8 years and I still have so much of that 'new me' inside of me, but there is still much I need to do to complete what I feel I am on this earth to accomplish. Sometimes it seems like just a few months ago, and other times it seems a lifetime ago! I really has been a lifetime tho- because it was a different life. I am not the same person I was prior to that day, that experience.
I am a fighter, and I am a survivor! I live my life going after what I want and never giving up! I have passed that on to my daughter~ she is a true fighter and an obvious survivor!

So today, February 24th... the day I said two words that forever changed my life. Today, 12 years ago I said "I Do." I said to someone I never should have said it to! I said those words to a con man, a predator, a liar. A man who forever changed my life, and lives of two very innocent children. A man who put me in that place... I have no regrets, many wonder how I can say that. But really, I would not be the person I am today, my daughter would not be the fighter she is... if not for those two words.

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