My Love

My Love

Monday, February 23, 2015

A New Me

Wow, what a difference I am feeling in my self and in my life! I am on day five of this Thrive program, and never expected the kind of results I am having! I never talk much about my chronic pain, it seems to bring others down and I don't want people feeling sorry for me or trying to give me advice on it. But now I can say I have not had any of that pain for four days! I haven't had to use my cane at all! I feel alive and full of energy and it is fabulous! I even seem to have more motivation than my husband. I've practically cut soda out of my diet, and only drinking a couple cups of coffee a day. My smoking is half what it was a week ago! I feel amazing! I hope if any of you who read this have problems with pain or energy or sleep or weight... that you will look into Thrive! I am normally such a skeptic about things like this, but decided to give this one a shot- and I am so happy I did! Oh, and sleep! I am finally sleeping better!
I have so much going on in my head and in my life, and I am excited about all of it! I just can't sit still! I want to get so much done all at once, but I know that is totally not possible. But I do know that I can do it all! A week ago, I would have said no, I don't have the energy or the motivation- but I feel so much better, I feel like a  new person! I actually went to the mall yesterday and had zero anxiety! That is a huge step for me! And went to the comedy club over the weekend to a sold out crowd- with no anxiety! This new me ROCKS!

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