My Love

My Love

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Isn't life amazing? I can go from miserable to happy and feeling so blessed in just a day! Even on my miserable days I know that I have a good life.
I have more than what I need to be happy! I have my freedom, I have my family, and I have a home and food. I have friends who care, I have better health than many.
Today is nothing special, I am just pondering what I have.
There are so many people who dwell on the negative. Focus on material things. They don't look at it the right way. I have seen on Facebook complaints that someone only has a $1000 budget for Christmas gifts for their kids... really? Some people are lucky to have money for one gift! Not enough money to feed everyone you invited to that party? Think of those who will be having turkey cold cuts for Christmas dinner! Had to work on Thanksgiving? I bet one of the many people who can't find work would have taken the job! Only make $9 an hour? Better than not having a job! You couldn't buy that $350 sweater? Bummer! What about the hundreds of people who don't have a winter coat? Have the flu? yeah, it sucks... but it will go away! Think of the 7 year old who was just told his mom has incurable cancer and will be dead before he turns 9! 21 years old and don't have a boyfriend? I promise, it's not the end of the world!
I am so tired of seeing stuff like this! I don't have money for a lot of things, but I have the things that I need, and that makes me happy. I have more than one chronic illness... but it's not terminal and it's not as bad as some illnesses are!
I see pain, real pain, all the time. I have friends who have lost loved ones and struggle every day. That mom who has cancer- that's a friend of mine. And these people all find a way to smile every day, to be thankful for what they have.
I truly believe you have to go thru hell to actually be able to see the blessings in what we have always taken advantage of.
I've been homeless, I've lost my freedom, I've been hungry and unemployed. I've had my family abandon me. And I have these illnesses. I know what it's like to struggle. No one promised life was easy... but our attitude and outlook changes how easy it is.
My first few months in prison I looked at everything in a terrible light... poor me! My life sucked! Then I met a couple people who helped me see things different. And I embraced every moment I was there, I learned from it, I helped others, I took advantage of every possible resource to keep a positive attitude! And the day I walked out of there, I honestly felt a little sad that the experience was over. But I entered my new life with an incredible fresh outlook... And was grateful for everyone and everything!
Society has become greedy, it is really sad. I hope everyone at some point in time, has to go thru a situation that puts them at the lowest of lows.
This is life. It is the life we were given, and the life we have chosen. Make the best of it and embrace what you have!

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