My Love

My Love

Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays! I am actually in the Christmas spirit a little bit! Yesterday was my 7th anniversary... Holy cow! my first 4 marriages didn't even total this long! Our marriage is far from perfect, but what is important is that we love each other, and can get thru the hard times. Nothing major to cause us to split up, no drugs or cheating or anything illegal going on- so why wouldn't we fight to make it work? I'm tired of giving up, because that is really what I did with three of the first four.
Squirrel! Back to what I was saying... I was away over the weekend house sitting and getting my ME time in, and Troy had to work at midnight last night, so we weren't able to do anything for our anniversary. So we went out tonight~ Dinner at Ruby River, then driving downtown to see the Christmas lights. 

I even turned Christmas music on in the car and was singing along! I was having a great time! I may not be a big fan of the holidays, but I sure am enjoying it this year. All we need is a little snow!
Tonight as we were coming home, we had to stop for milk... my husband finally realized something really is wrong with me. I totally fell apart in the car crying in his arms. My short term memory has been going, I try to laugh it off as just being spacy or not mentioning things, he hasn't really noticed how bad it is. He has teased me and made jokes that I'm getting old or turning blonde... but tonight he saw it for what it really is. I'm scared, it has gotten that bad. But I am so thankful that he sees it now, I don't have to pretend nothing is wrong, he will understand if I ask him something five minutes after he already told me. It is important to me to have him know and understand what is wrong and what is going on with me, his support means the world to me. But it is so hard to admit to myself, let alone to him, when something serious comes up.
A lot of new and worsening health issues that I am very hopeful to get answers about in the next couple months. But even if I don't get answers, I have my family to support me thru it all. 2015 is going to be amazing, I know it is! I feel it, I see things falling into place and calming down. I believe there will be less death of friends and loved ones, there may be illness, but I believe everyone will be strong this upcoming year! I unfortunately have some energy telling me I will lose one person this year whose passing will devastate me, but I cannot dwell on that! I cannot let that linger in my head all year. Death is a part of the life cycle, and if someone goes, they are meant to.
Christmas for me this year consists of the 50+ cards I sent out, and hanging cards on my wall that we get. Christmas eve we will be spending with my mother in law for dinner and gifts. And I plan to make a nice Christmas morning breakfast for the four of us. Next year I am going to decorate the house! Probably not a tree, but I can still decorate!
I think I am rambling, maybe I should stop.
Merry Christmas everyone, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday week.

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