My Love

My Love

Thursday, November 6, 2014


My least favorite month of the year. So many bad things in my life happened in November, so many memories of good times long gone. So far I am doing pretty well, none of those things have seeped into my mind yet, but it's just a matter of time. I think because of the move and how busy I have been keeping myself with doctors and unpacking and everything else~ my mind just hasn't had a chance to realize November really is here. It will hit probably next week... and then I will want to disappear into the bottom of a bottle. No, it doesn't help, but it seems to be the only way I deal with it all... alcohol and lots of tears... and my wonderful family helping me, supporting me, loving me.
I had an MRI on my knee, nothing there. Turns out it is just arthritis and I get to live with the pain, take ibuprofen or whatever other method of pain control I choose. A sweet friend from PGR is making me a custom cane out of rose wood and a crystal ball for the handle, I am really excited to see it! And I will have that help walking when the knee decides to not cooperate with me.
I meet my new neurologist tomorrow, I really excited about that! I know there will be a lot of testing that will need to be done for her, but it will all be worth it! I am hopeful for possible medication changes, and the possibility of  getting a hysterectomy to cure my seizures is a huge hope with a new doctor! Fresh eyes and ears, female, younger... what could go wrong with this?
My family doctor has me on a bunch of supplements that seemed to be working in the beginning, but not so much anymore, I am back to feeling miserable more days than I feel good. I plan to talk with the neurologist about these issues as well, see if she has any thoughts.
We are slowly getting Kayla's stomach issues dealt with... or at least ruling things out. She is being scheduled for a scope in hopes the doctor can see something that will explain her symptoms.
See- way to busy to worry about how much I dislike this month! 
In addition, I am really pushing Epilepsy awareness month and making sure people are a little more educated than they were. One of my biggest fears is having a seizure in a place full of strangers and no one knows what to do... a big part of the reason I never leave home alone.
I decided December will be good for a house warming party, I should be done unpacking and getting things settled by then. Honestly, not a big fan of December either, but an open house for our friends to come say HI, see where we live, etc... will keep my mind busy.
We are settling in nicely, finally got a new stove that works great, got some shelves to store things. Still unpacking a few things a day when I feel up to it. Today I finally found a box I had been searching for since the day after we moved in! Seriously, I thought it had gotten thrown out or left behind or something! I've never been so happy to see a box of socks and bras! My husband and I have different ideas about our future in this house, I like it, I want to make it home, long term. A few little things here and there and it will be like our own. Give us a few years to get stable and get some things paid off and our credit improved. I'm in no rush to move again!
Well, I have dogs bugging me to go outside, so enough of me just airing what's on my mind.

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