My Love

My Love

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Death With Dignity

When I was in college I did a research paper on euthanasia. That was 20 years ago, a lot has changed! Dr. Kavorkian went to prison for helping someone end their life... end their own pain and suffering, a terminal patient chose to not drag out the inevitable. Today, 6 states have legal DWD laws. Countries in Europe allow it- in people as young as 12! Personally I don't feel a 12 year old should be making that decision, but that's not my call.
I live in Utah, not one of the states that thinks it is ok! But why? Thsi should be addressed everywhere! While we are spending all this time on legalizing medical marijuana and getting noplace with that- can't we take a minute to see how many people are truly suffering and want to end that?
A terminally ill person who suffers daily... Pain- beyond what most can comprehend. Medications- that drain what little money they have, cause a multitude of side effects. Burden- these people feel they are a burden to their loved ones, a spouse or child gives up so much to care for them, they have to watch the person they love die a little more each day. There is no quality of life, just the expectation of death. Who wants to live like that?
And what about suicidal people? Severely depressed people who are miserable and make those around them miserable, people who think of ways to die every day. I know- these people have to be in a clear state of mind before they can get into a 'contract' for assisted suicide, but seriously!
So here I am, suffering a depression that I never imagined possible, wishing for a car accident every time I leave the house. I take medication that costs too much- and doesn't entirely do what it is supposed to do. I can't work to pay for these meds... because they don't do what they are supposed to do! I have multiple chronic ailments- things that will never go away, they will just get worse. I am in almost constant pain, most of the things I enjoy doing- I can't anymore... even on a good day, I know that if I do these things I will suffer worse over the next couple days. Quality of life? not really. I feel like I am a lump on a log. My dear husband works his ass off to put a roof over my head and food in my body, he puts up with me getting behind on laundry and not feeling up to cooking very often. Doing things for me because I can't, missing work to drive me places- even having to take me places when he isn't working. Missing out on events and friends because I don't feel up to going. He can't buy the things he wants because we don't have the budget of a 2-income family. So not only is my life miserable- but I am making his life miserable as well. I love him! I want him to be happy, I want him to enjoy these years- not be stuck home taking care of me...
So is my situation something that would clear for the DWD  standards? Probably not. But why? Really... I am going to live another 30 years- 30 years of pain, tears, poverty level misery. Why can't I decide? Why can't a person go to the doctor and say I want a suicide pill. 
Yes, I want my life to end. No, I am not going to commit suicide at this point.

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