My Love

My Love

Thursday, July 28, 2016

July Summarized- focus on August

Completely deleted the entire post I had written last night... I was rambling and had too much in my head! So here is a post with a reason and a topic!
This month has been crazy and hectic, to say the least! A few days before the wedding my son-in-law drove 9 hours to pick up his dad and sister and drove 9 hours back. His sister with plans to move in and stay here in Utah with us- get a job, get into school, and get away from the parents while still having 'parents' in the home, she is 18 and ready to spread her wings! TC (the dad), planned to stay until the kids left for their honeymoon, they would take him home as part of the first day of that trip. That plan changed and he decided to stay thru the 24th festivities... the week prior to the 24th, my son in laws other sister, who was spending her summer in St George, decided she wanted to be here for the holiday with family, see her brothers, etc. So TC and I drove to St. George and got her. I have loved having them here! I enjoy having a houseful, especially when I get along well with the people visiting- which I do! I am happy to have these people as part of my new extended family.
I've also has a somewhat unwelcome house guest, this has been causing me a lot of stress. I know I just need to get it out there- again, that this is not ok, but I am just not wanting confrontation and all that goes with it. I know that my stress will go on until I fix it, it has to be my undoing.
Tomorrow the newlyweds will get on the road to take TC and the youngest sister home, my house will be empty and quiet for the weekend without these 4! Not sure what that will be like at this point, haha! It really was nice having them here and getting to know them. I really do look forward to their family moving here in a few months, I can meet the mom- stepmom, but really sounds to be more of a mom! TC and the girls talk highly of her and I have a feeling we will get along great!
A week since I quit my job and I am feeling better already! Truly was a good decision.
I am ready to get focused on my health again- I ate an avocado/tomato sandwich on multigrain bread today! and put some energy into expanding my Le-Vel business and spreading the word about Thrive. 
August will be a month of calming and focus, planning and organizing... my life, my home, and my future!

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